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サウジノクラシ - "Camel" comes from "Jamal" in Arabic アラビア語トリビア

アラビア語トリビア】 英語のCamel(ラクダ)は、アラビア語のJamalがギリシャ語のKamelos->ラテン語のCamelusを経由して音訳されたものだそう。


‘It’s Arabic’ - Camel

What do zero, a giraffe, and alcohol have in common? Not much, other than all these words originate from Arabic, and are part of the huge heritage of language and knowledge that Europe has absorbed from the Arabs over the centuries.


Camel appears to be a direct transliteration of the arabic jamal, pronounced in some arabic dialects with a hard G, which brings it even closer to the English word camel. However, the word first came through the Greek kamelos, and then Latin camelus to English.